Thursday 2 March 2017

Coming down the mountain - Disability

Coming down the mountain

- birds eye view, first shot, to show the rooms structure and their split personalities
- low angles shot when he's about to leave him, to show he's more immature and unworthy
- 180 pan, a tracking shot, the second shot of him on his bed, shows his brain thinking and moving from point to point
- zoom on the boy in bed, to show his purity and how innocent his intentions are
- close up on the bus, changes stress him out and the close shot shows how stressed he is and how he is struggling with the journey home.

Mise en Scene
- dull lighting, shows sad life not happy.
-teenagers, not reliable leaves the boy on his own and potentially puts him in danger and goes off with his friend to a party.
-no makeup represents innocence.
- half and half sides of the bedroom, disabled boys side is very bright and colourful which shows that he is happy and content with his life where as his brothers side is quite dull and dark which shows he is not happy because he has t look after his brother all the time.
- at the bus stop the disabled boy is playing with his slinky toy which shows he has a child's mind we know this because his brother who isn't disabled is not playing with any toys.
-facial expressions- people looking at the disabled boy funny.
- disabled boy isn't really too bothered about what he is wearing.

- There are the two main characters who get the most screen time because its about their lives.
- The more able boy has the most screen time to show his point of view.
- The disabled boy doesn't get to show how he sees things. Typically he doesn't get a say in what happens.
- Fade from one shot to the other, it is smooth and flows. Shows how the day gradually goes on.
- The more able character is very opinionated and doesn't need attention and caring like the other character. 
- Pace is slow with the disabled boy in the scene as people with learning difficulties are slow and cannot think for themselves and have to have 24/7.

-In the kitchen scene the disabled boy doesn't think before he speaks. He says 'I need a poo'. this tells us that he is vulnerable an hasn't matured as a teenager.
- Also in the kitchen scene their parents talk calmly and soft towards the boy with down syndrome. --- Whereas their parents talk harshly and snap at the other brother. This shows how disabled and abled people are treated differently.
- The voiceover and the music are contrapuntal. The dialogue in the voiceover explains how
annoyed the able body boy is with his disabled brother but the music is calm and soft.
- During the conversations in the kitchen the abled boy talks a lot more than the disabled boy this tells us that in the real world disabled people don't really have a say in what goes on in society.
- The diegetic sound of the cutlery clanging against each other and the chairs scraping along the floor brings us back to the reality of them being a normal family. 

through editing the representation of disabled people can be seen, firstly, through the pace of the clip. This is as while the 

Disability is represented throughout this clip of coming down the mountain. It is represented through camera, Mise en scene, Editing and Sound. Firstly, through camera the first shot is a birdseye view of the two brothers bedroom. this is too show the rooms structure and their split personalities as the two sides of the shared bedroom are high in contrast so this particular shot can reveal the whole bedroom and show the structure of the bedroom clearly. This is shown to represent disability as the disabled brother's half of the bedroom is bright and bold to show his immaturity and the way he has not grown up and shows his true age which is a representation of people suffering from learning difficulties such as down syndrome. where as in contrast to the able brother his room is basic to show his true age and maturity as a teenager growing into a young adult. 

Another camera shot is the zoom on the disabled boys face when he's in bed. This represents disability as it shows his purity and how innocent his intentions are as learning difficulties show the slow development of people so it shows how inside he is still innocent and clueless like a young child meaning he needs care all the time. 

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