Wednesday 1 March 2017

Waterloo Road - Age


The representation of age is shown throughout this clip and through mise en scene, camera, editing and sound.
With the first scene it shows the representation of a middle aged man and two young teenage boys. The man is representation stereo typically as he acts like he is wiser than the two teenagers and patronises them through how he speaks down to the two boys. He is also very sarcastic towards them to show he has authority over them and can talk and act almost as he was without no reaction. Whereas on the other hand, the two teenage boys are represented as foolish through breaking the camera and trying to hide the fact they broke the camera. They also show to lack intelligence as they try to get out of punishment by making excuses however you can easily see that the teacher knows they are lying which shows the two teenagers naivety and lack of intelligence. Also the fact the two teenage boys are lying shows that they will try anything to get out of trouble and get away with the foolish acts they do.
The second teacher who comes in who is younger represents how inexperienced she is and the lack of authority she has compared to the older teacher as she does not sanction the two boys and the two teenagers try harder to miss punishment with her than the much older more experienced teacher.

The students are represented in two ways during this clip. Firstly they are seen as foolish, cocky and not caring about anything which shows the lack of discipline show to them which could be the result of troubled from their parents which they can get away with anything.

The other way students and the teenagers are perceived as is ‘nerdy’ with the teenagers are clever, dress smartly and are presentable. They also are seen conservative and laid back and they don’t want to be the centre of attention and laid back but are clever and take school seriously.

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